Havering Concert Orchestra


Havering Concert Orchestra (‘HCO’) is an amateur community orchestra and is a registered Charity.  (Registered Charity No. 1076663).
The objects of the Society (HCO) shall be to educate the public in the arts and sciences, and in particular the art and science of music, in the presentation of concerts and other public activities.
A member of the Havering Concert Orchestra (HCO) is defined as any individual who actively participates by playing music at rehearsals or performing in concerts. This excludes freelancers, volunteers, and individuals engaged in professional or administrative roles on behalf of the HCO.
Download our full Constitution (2025) here.
Committee (also Trustees)
Chairman Graeme Wright
Treasurer Colin Foan
Secretary Cathy Rogers
Woodwind Representative Gillian Foan
Publicity Malcolm Inman
Extra Players Coordinator Jan Flanders
Non Executive Paul Kelly
Non Executive Karen Williams
Non Executive Joan Luck
Ex Officio Committee Members (who are not Trustees)
Lawrence Tatnall
Leader Sandy Thompson