Havering Concert Orchestra

HCO is proud to be an amateur orchestra involving all members of our community. We’re one of the few orchestras that has continued rehearsing (via Zoom or in person) throughout the pandemic.


We rehearse in Hornchurch in the London Borough of Havering on Wednesdays in term time. We give 3 Concerts a year.

Join Us

We are an enthusiastic and friendly group of musicians who look forward to welcoming new players. While no formal auditions are held, a reasonably acceptable standard of music ability is expected: at least Grade 6 or equivalent for string players, and Grade 8 or higher for wind and brass section principals. Membership is assessed informally on this basis. Orchestral experience is, of course, highly advantageous.

As a community orchestra vacancies exist in all sections. If you are intereted please fill in the form below, or just turn up to a reheasal and try us out.

Rehearsals are held at 7:30 to 9:30 pm on Wednesday evenings during school term time at the North Street Halls, North Street, Hornchurch, RM11 1QX.

Please bear in mind we are a Amateur Community Orchestra, and so there are no paid positions.

You can download more information here.