The Friendly Orchestra bringing live classical music to the London Borough of Havering
Malcolm Inman
Commitee Member for Publicity 2018 – Current.
Malcolm is a ‘late starter’ – he took up the cello at the age of 56. He had very little musical education. Under the tutelage of our Conductor Emurtris he passed some cello and music theory exams and joined the Orchestra in 2010. In 2018 he joined the Committee and took over the role of Publicity Coordinatorand put together a new Website. Currenly Malcolm looks after the Website,Publicity, and authors our Concert Programmes, as well as playing in the Cello Section. Malcolm has sutudied cello under one of the soloists of the Havering Concert Orchestra – Matthew Strover. His current tutor is Christopher Gascoine, a member of the Ember Trio.