Notes About Elgar’s Enigma Variations
Dowload here: Notes on Elgars Enigma Variations
Autumn 2021 Term Rehearsal Calendar
Download the rehearsal calendar (ics) to add to your diary HCO’s Autumn Calendar 2021
Wednesday 8th September 2021 First Rehearsal of the Autumn Term.
We are back – North Street Halls Hornchurch Start 7:30 promptly. We have a potential new Leader joining us on Wednesday. So exciting all round. See the Calendar for details and Map.
Wednesday 30 September 2020 – Our First Rehearsal since the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak.
Join us at 7:30 the Church Hall at Nelmes United Reformed Church. We will only rehearse for 1 hour – from 7:30pm, but it would be great to see as many of you as possible.
But please note the following:
- Players need to assess whether they are fit to attend the rehearsal.
- Players should also consider whether they, or any members of their household, are in a high-risk group and consider whether it would be safe for them to attend the rehearsal.
- One player per stand.
- Players to bring own music.
- Upon entry, go to the registration table and use the hand sanitiser provided.
- Players can socialise safely outside before the rehearsal, but when they are ready to rehearse, they should go straight to their chair once they leave the registration table.
- Instrument cases should be left behind or next to players’ chairs to avoid people mixing when unpacking and packing up.
- People to wear masks until we start playing (strings should carry on wearing them when playing if they wish).
- Wind and brass should clean instrument out at home and not in the rehearsal venue.
Any saliva which does need to be should not be emptied on to the floor but caught in a container or with absorbent paper then disposed of safely. We will have paper towels and sealable plastic bags on stand-by for those who forget; remember safe disposal afterwards. - Players should observe social distancing and stay 2m apart from other players as they leave, taking their own music and rubbish with them.
Here is a copy of the Risk Assessment: Risk Assessment
Members are invited to a Virtual PlayAlong 7:30 pm Wednesday 8th July. Elgar -Enigma Variations Part 2.
Members are invited to a Virtual PlayAlong 7:30 pm Wednesday 24th June.
The parts are on IMSLP: or you should have Colin’s dropbox details. Hope you will be able to join us – you should received the details by email shortly. Email if you don’t get them.
Members are invited to a Virtual PlayAlong 7:30 pm Wednesday 17th June.
All Members should have got an email on Monday 15 June.
Play along to Lawrence conducting Rossini’s Barbiere di Siviglia Overture.
Download your score from:
or Colins’s dropbox:
If you haven’t got the Zoom connection details, in the email, please email
Hope you can join us, for the fun.
Unfortunately we have had to postpone tonight’s PlayAlong until next Wednesday. 😢😢
Members are invited to a Virtual PlayAlong 7:30 pm Wednesday 3rd June.
All Members should have got an email on Thursday 28 May.
In case you haven’t, here is a summary and the connection details to our Virtual Play Along this Wednesday.
Play along to Lawrence conducting Mozart’s Magic Flute Overture. I am particularly excited because I can play all the wrong notes in the wrong places – and no one will know – except me.
Download your score from:
or Colins’s dropbox:
You will only need the first page or so for the Overture.
If you haven’t got the Zoom connection details, in the email, please email
Hope you can join us, for the fun.
Members are invited to a Virtual Meeting Wednesday 27 May.
All Members should have got a Newsletter on Friday 22 May.
In case you haven’t, here is a summary and the connection details to our Virtual Meeting this Wednesday.
We have been looking at ways in which we can stay in touch as a group, how we can interact and perhaps even play together, both now and in the future.
We are looking at how we can play along to a track, in a ‘mashup’. And hopefully have some ‘spaced out’ sectionals in the autumn. We are also proposing to host a quiz night with Maddie as the quizmaster.
However, we are open to your suggestions of things we can do and so would like to invite you to virtually meet with us on Wednesday. Maddie will be the host on zoom. And here are her tips.
Step 1 – At 7:30 on Wednesday 27th May please click the link you were sent. (If you have not got this information please email us at may prompt you to download zoom, this is perfectly safe and will not take long to do. All instructions will be on the page).
Step 2 – It will ask for the meeting ID and the Password as given in the email you should have received from Cathy on Friday 22 May. Again email if you didnt get the Newsletter email.
Step 3 – You will be in a waiting room until the host lets you in. Do not worry the host can see that you are there.
Step 4 – You will need to click connect to computer audio so we can hear you and you can hear everyone else.
Step 5 – You have arrived!!
Useful tips:
1. At the bottom there is a tool bar which appears if you hover your mouse over it (this can be different if you are using a phone or a tablet but it is basically the same principle). This gives you the option to turn your camera and microphone off.
2. When someone else is speaking it is best to mute yourself (turn off microphone) as there is usually some echo.
3. If you have something to ask but you are not heard due to someone else talking you can click the chat icon at the bottom and this will pop up on the side for everyone.
Update Violin 1 Score for Havering Heroes Campaign
Heroes Final changed – Violin I
Details for the virtual orchestra for Havering Heroes campaign.
Havering Music School are putting a recording together to go out across the borough for the Havering Heroes campaign?
It will say that the recording was done by Havering Music School, Havering Concert Orchestra and Romford YMCA Orchestra.
It’s arranged by Karen Tweddle, but she did not arrange it for full orchestra, so if there is a part that you want transposed or rearranged, then let Karen know.
So download the backing track and the Score from the links below.
Find your instrument’s score in the pdf.
Set up your recording device. Now the difficult bit, use headphones to listen to the backing track. This is so that you don’t record the backing track, only your own contribution.
Take a picture of yourself playing and send the recording and photo to Karen at The deadline is this coming Friday, 24 April.
(Ideally the recording should be mp3 encoding)
Heroes for Havering – Score and parts
Janet will have tickets tonight! So bring your money and buy lots! Especially now that interest rates are at 0.25%.
To raise funds for the orchestra we will be holding a “Bring and Buy” sale during the break of our next rehearsal – 8th May.
Please bring along any unwanted books, bags, CDs, unopened toiletries, or chocolates, wine etc. Any unsold items need to be taken away at the end of the rehearsal please.
We hope to do a fundraising event each month during rehearsals – cake sale, raffle, plant sale. Please let Janet Baldacci or Karen Williams know if you have any other ideas.
Thanks in advance for your support.